William Inge
William Inge, the future Gloomy Dean of St Paul’s, was an Anglican cleric and scholar of mysticism; his Bampton lectures at the University of Oxford published as Christian Mysticism (1899) were a major touchstone for the study of mysticism. Inge’s account of religious attention and practice, set out in his introduction to the later anthology Light, Life and Love: Selections from the German Mystics of the Middle Ages (1904), is indicative of what Underhill opposed in her preface. Inge emphases the desire for a religious ‘immediacy’ evident in contemporary society and which has replaced a respect for the mediation of religious truth and the institutions that effected that. This new forms of religious engagement is shaped by science. ‘God-consciousness’ and a ‘healthy’ inner life redescribe religious life once marked by prayer, upright living and love of God and the neighbour. The church is no longer, as described in The Thirty-Nine Articles, the ‘visible Church of Christ’, striving to preach the ‘pure Word of God’ and minister the sacraments ‘according to Christs Ordinance’, so much as a setting where congregants’ psyches can be nurtured and strengthened (The Book of Common Prayer: The Texts of 1549, 1559, and 1662, ed. by Brian Cummings [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011], p. 679).
Image: William Ralph Inge, between 1911 and 1934, when he was employed as Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, Library of Congress. Image courtesy of a Creative Commons license.